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Military Humor

From: "Gunny Connell"
Subject: Military Humor

Mustang Versus Naval Academy Officer

One day while the Platoon was at the rifle range, I headed toward the duty
tent. As I got to the door, 1st Lt. A. E. Evers, from 1st Bn (Who was a ring
knocker with a name plate on his desk that read, 'A. E. Evers, Lieutenant of
Marines') came out of the tent. I stepped back and saluted, he returned a
half hearted salute. He brushed at his face and mumbled something inaudible as
he headed toward the C P tent.

I went inside and Sgt. Bentz (my Junior DI) was still in his bed. I asked
what Evers wanted? Bentz in his usual military manner said, "I don't know. He
kicked the bunk and asked if I was going to get up today? I said, I hadn't
given it a hell of a lot of thought and he left." Armed with this information, I figured I'd best go to the C P tent to see what was going down.

As I walked in, Evers was saying to Lt. Sebring (our Mustang Series Officer),
"I just found one of your Sergeant's asleep in his bunk." Sebring said,
"That's where they're supposed to sleep!" Evers looked like he had been hit with
a brick. Then he said, "But, it's working hours!"

Sebring looked at me and asked, "Sergeant, do you know anything about what
he's so excited about?" I said, "Sir this is Sgt. Bentz's day off. Liberty is
not compulsory and is a privilege that should not be abused. I can assure you
that Sgt. Bentz will be up and about before the troops get back to the area."
With that, Lt. Sebring stood up, planted both fists (knuckles down) on the
desk and said right into Evers face, "Mister I got a perfect solution to the
problem!" Evers said, "what's that?" Sebring replied, "Stay the hell out of my
area before I knock your block off! Got it? Now cut a trail back to your own battalion area and don't come back!"

There are good officers and then, there are GREAT OFFICERS, John Sebring was one of the great ones. It's too bad we lost him so soon.

Semper Fi,

Gunnery Sergeant C. W. Connell, USMC - Retired

Note: The names of the Naval Academy Lieutenant and Junior DI were changed to save them embarrassment.