18 July 2012

LCAC (Landing Craft Air Cushioned) landing on the Big Island as part of the multi-national RimPac exercises.
were warmly greeted by the Hawaii Gathering of Eagles for a little R&R after training on the Big Island.
A big Mahalo to the U.S. Navy.  Without their cooperation, these pictures would not have been possible.

I also shot a video of the LCAC landing.

RIMPAC 2012_4

RIMPAC 2012_5

RIMPAC 2012_6

RIMPAC 2012_18

Please e-mail Paul at wpkona@yahoo.com  if you can't find a particular picture or you need a hi-rez jpg.  I took a lot of photos that day and can't put them all up. 

For more photos see Hawaii Gathering of Eagles web site at:

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Photos by Paul Prosise