The Big Island of HAWAII
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Coconut Island
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Hilo Farmers' Market
Papaya & Fruit from Mars?

Big Avocado & Spoon Coconuts

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All Photos Copyright 2006
by Paul Prosise


Hilo Farmer's Market

Hilo is obviously a grower's paradise! Can you believe, papaya 6 for $1.00. Here in California they go for $2.99 a pound. We were in fruit and vegetable heaven!

The Rainbow papaya is a new variety. It is a true hybrid cross of Kapoho Solo (the industry standard Hawaiian yellow flesh variety) and the Sunup (another new variety). Rainbow and Sunup were both developed by the University of Hawaii. The Sunrise variety, our favorite, has a bright pink flesh and is very sweet. It is sometimes marketed as a Watermelon or Strawberry papaya.

Fruit from Mars? I forgot to ask what the above are; if you know, please e-mail me.

Email from Trae
I believe the yellow orange fruit in left bottom picture are a type of LILIKOI which is passion fruit. The bumpy fruit on right picture is called the NONI fruit (most Hawaiians call them butt fruit because of
their smell). They have been used for years to make medicine felt to be helpful for everything including AIDS and CANCER. I think it's only sold on European markets though.
Email from Crystal
The fruit on the right in San Francisco they call Darion fruit. It does have a really bad smell, a really sweet flavor, and a texture unlike any other fruit. It is really popular at the chinese markets and quite expensive in SF (about $15 for the one that I bought to try it years ago).

Mahalo Trae & Crystal